EVERYONE is talking about it. It's one of the top searches on Google and in magazines all over newsstands. NO, not Charlie Sheen, VITAMIN D!
Did you know: deficiencies in Vitamin D are linked to mood swings, depression, and also conditions like heart disease, diabetes, allergies, cancer, parathyroid problems, immune system and yep, you guessed it - weight loss.
Forget Chuck and his issues, let's stay focused. Everyone already knows that your body needs Vitamin D to properly absorb calcium (and if you didn't, now you do). But, if you are having trouble losing weight, could a deficiency in Vitamin D be a factor?
Let's discuss.
Firstly, if you are still living off of your regular daily vitamin or worse, nothing at all, you are living on "minimum wage nutrition." According to Jonny Bowden, PHD, Taking the "recommended daily allowance" for Vitamin C, enough to prevent scurvy (which is rampant in the States), the recommended daily allowance for Vitamin B1 (thamin) is enough to prevent beriberi. She says these amounts, again "minimum wage nutrition," are utterly irrelevant to those interested in optimal health and well-being. And I agree.
There is a vast amount of literature on Vitamin D and some of it is scary. Just this past November, the Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board released a report that said taking Vitamin D in any amount over 800 IUs is "unnessary and could even be harmful." BUT, the committee only studied the amount of Vitamin D needed for bones. Again, to quote my friend Jonny Bowden, "That's like evaluating an iPhone based solely on the ability of its built in calculator to add and subtract. The calculator is one tiny feature of the iPhone, but its hardly a complete picture of what a good smartphone can do." Agree yet again.
The Vitamin D Council, a much better judge of Vitamin D's good and harm, says that the correct figure for a minimum daily requirement of D is actually 4,000 IUs (from Zoltan Roma, MD, Author of Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin).
So what does this have to do with losing weight??? A recent study which measured blood levels of Vitamin D in overweight men and women has shown that for every increase in blood levels of Vitamin D in the blood stream, those folks ended up losing almost half-pound more on their diets. ALSO, the higher the baseline of Vitamin D, the greater the abdominal fat loss. HORRAY!
Studies over the years have also shown there is a direct correlation between higher blood levels of Vitamin D and leaner body mass. There is also a direct correlation with Vitamin D and insulin... but doctors still don't understand the complete scope of how it relates to our individual biochemistry.
So, is toxicity something to consider with Vitamin D? Well, as long as you stay under 10,000 IUs a day, you are out of the "toxicity MIGHT happen" category set by the Food and Nutrition Board.
I'm all about me some Vitamin D right about now. Time to get in bikini shape by summer! My pick? Gummy Vitamins! Yes, I know... sugar. There is something to be said for moderation as well as having your gummy bear and eating it too. Pick and choose your battles an in this case I say absolutely!
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